Be Authentically Yourself with your Child

We just returned late yesterday afternoon from 3 glorious days of wilderness camping in the Sierra Mountains with our family – son Orion, daughter-in-law Nichola, wonderful grandchildren Sebastian and Madison.

I loved our time together exploring, hiking, laughing, sharing, cooking, sitting around the campfire and viewing the luminous stars overhead. Clever Orion quote: “The campfire is the TV of camping.” True! So many cherished memories from our annual adventure!

Copies of my book Joyous Child Joyous Family are flying out my door during my free book giveaway! I love that so many people are getting several to give to their family and friends.

One simple idea in this book can change your relationship with your child forever and support your child in being more fully herself for the rest of her life! Wouldn’t this be a magnificent gift to give yourself, your child, and those you love?

Reminder: My F.REE book giveaway with F.REE webinar ends this Friday so you still have time to get your copy and some for those you love. All I ask is you cover the small cost of shipping.

Go here to get your F.REE book(s).

Plus everyone who has a book, whether as a purchase or as a gift, is invited to participate in my F.REE Q & A webinar in September.

If you already have a copy of Joyous Child Joyous Parent and have not already registered for the webinar, go here to sign-up.

Today’s video Tip # 6: Be More Authentically Yourself with your Child

Wow! This is such an important component of parenting that it takes my breath away. Your child emotionally needs for you to be yourself, not the perfect parent. Too often, we act like the parents we think we should be, and not the people we honestly are in our hearts.

What do you do when you are being authentic with your child? I’d love to know. Please share in Comments below.

Happy trails!

To your Joyous Family!


For Dads…and the Women Who Love Them

I’m delighted to talk with you again. Our home remodel is complete – new hardwood floors and new lovely, warm colors, and more of our incredible granite in the bathroom! You can tell I love it!! Now all that’s left is unpacking a few more boxes.

My husband Doug and I also took a 6-day camping trip in the Sierra Mountains of Eastern California two weeks ago, discovering spectacular new territory, hiking, and enjoying the breath-taking beauty and peace of Mother Earth.

I hope you’re spending time with your child in nature this summer. It’s good for you and your child. It’s the perfect place to have spontaneous meaningful conversations.

I have a new video for you that I am really excited about! Of course, I’m excited about all of them, and this one is especially dear to my heart.

The emotional connection between you and your partner makes a profound impact in your child’s life, probably more than you realize. I designed this short video to give you powerful insights to deepen your partnership and communication.

A dear friend and colleague Meryn Callendar is about to release a book in which my son Orion and I contributed “Why Dads Leave: Insights and Resources for When Partners Become Parents” that addresses this topic more deeply. I’ll let you know when it is released. It is a must-read!

Feel free to share the video with your partner and other dads you know. I especially recommend sharing it with your partner, whether male or female.

What do you do to keep your emotional connection with your partner strong and flourishing? Please tell us in the comments section below. You just might give someone else an idea that will make a big difference to them. That’s one of the values of community.

Grades Aren’t Everything!

I was talking with a therapist friend and colleague recently. She shared with me how much busier she is now that school has started. Children and parents are both feeling the increased pressure and stress of a school schedule  and all its responsibilities.

We lamented how hurtful and high-pressure school is for children of all ages. She shared with me that even young people whom she counseled during the summer show increased signs of stress and anxiety.

Pressure, stress and worry are simply not good for your child. No matter what the motivation behind it. This includes all children, whether your child is the A student or the one who is struggling to get a passing grade.

Schools are mandated to help your child learn, to teach her the information and skills she needs to succeed in our society. The No Child Left Behind Act places dramatically more pressure on teachers and schools to reach specific academic standards. This pressure is  passed on to your child.

Children are being forced to grow up too quickly. They need play time, down time, time to listen and connect with themselves. David Elkind talks about this in all of his books, including The Hurried Child.

You most likely agree with this. So what can you do? [Read more…]

How to Best Help Your Irritable, Moody Child

Living with a child who is frequently irritable or moody is never fun. Their mood can swing from happily playing to tantrumming on the floor in a heartbeat. You probably don’t even see it coming and are frequently surprised by the sudden change in her mood.

If you’re like most parents in this situation, you find yourself being cautious around your child. Cautious that you don’t accidentally ignite your child into another meltdown. You become fearful of getting her upset by denying her the ice cream she wants or talking with her in the wrong tone of voice.

Being cautious as a parent is never good for you, your child, or your family. When you lose your confidence as a parent, your child feels this, and he feels insecure and a loss of connection with you.

Probably the biggest challenge you face with your child’s mood swings is how to respond. You wonder what he needs and how you should respond to best help him. If you knew how to effectively help him feel happy again, you’d feel more confident and could more easily keep your cool with clarity and certainty whenever those upsets begin.

Instead of responding with confidence, clarity, and effectiveness, you may find yourself reacting with your own irritability, feeling angry and raising your voice. As you well know, this only escalates the problem; and you and your child both feel hurt and bruised by your interaction.

Here are 4 get-yourself-in-action tips to dramatically decrease or even eliminate your challenges with your child’s moodiness and emotional reactivity. [Read more…]

New Free Parenting Resources

Last week I spent three wonderful days with Kendall Summerhawk, learning new ways to create programs to guide you to be the mother you most want to be while still enjoying your professional life. It was fun and inspiring. Kendall has horses also so we had many things to share with one another. CandK

After my time with her, I feel inspired with new ideas and possibilities of fun products and coaching I can share with you. This means you can look forward to new programs and opportunities for you to learn more about Joyous Parenting™, a transformational, effective approach to parenting based on nurturing your child’s and your own Emotional Wholeness.

Are You Ready to Have Parenting Be Easier?

If you’re ready to have parenting be easier and to feel more confident and relaxed, I have two new free resources to help you:

1.)  Parent Success Kit, which includes a free audio interview How to Avoid the 5 Biggest Mistakes Parents Unconsciously Make and eCourse How to Prepare Your Child for Success in School and in Life.

This is for every parent—current subscribers as well as if you’re new to Joyous Parenting™. Tell your friends and family about this useful new resource!

2.) Read the metaphorical story The Secret of Joyous Parenting™. This gives you a clear understanding of why Joyous Parenting™ works so powerfully and easily.

I’d Appreciate Your Help…

I’d love to know more about your needs, challenges, and questions as a parent so I can better support you. This Thursday, you’ll receive an email from me with 3 very short, quick questions that I’d love for you to answer to tell me more about your life and your relationship with your child. Thanks in advance for taking a few moments of your precious time to help me with this.

Are You Ready to Go Beyond Wishing and Hoping Things Will Get Better?

I’ve had so many people admire my relationship with my son Orion and wish they shared the honesty, closeness, and trust with their own child or parents. Others praise the close relationship I have with my daughter-in-law Nichola. They wish they could be so lucky and fortunate.

I’ve found that close relationships with your adult children and grandchildren is not a matter of luck or good fortune. These close, delightful relationships begin with the emotional foundation you create when your child is born (I would even say before your child is born) and continue throughout your life together.

If you desire, you can create a closer, more joyous, harmonious life-long relationship with your child, even if your child is older.