Home Study Products and Programs

CONNIE ALLEN, M.A.Joyous Child Joyous Parent: How to Have More Fun and Joy with Your Child

Have you read lots of parenting books and not gotten the results you want? Joyous Child Joyous Parent is power- packed with accessible, useful Insights and Ideas to help you connect with your child emotionally and to nurture your child’s natural amazingness.

Click here to learn more.

Parenting Solutions Programs

Every parent wrestles with small and large difficulties and worries about their child. Each Parenting Solution Programs on a specific challenge that many parents experience. My promise to you is to give you ‘my best’ on every topic.

In each program, II share with you the most common mistakes and mis-perceptions parents made as well as specific, concrete action steps you can implement immediately.

Click here to learn more.

Getting Started with Joyous Parenting

Get started today to create more joy and ease with your child! Discover the 3 essential elements of Joyous Parenting, plus simple, highly effective communication skills you can begin to use immediately.

In these 4 downloadable recordings, you’ll hear parents who are a lot like you, share about their day-to-day frustrations and concerns relating with their children. You’ll also hear their insights and successes as they explore and grow as people.

Click here to learn more.