Play with Your Child!

Having fun time with your child is hugely important to both you and your child. Yet in our busy lives, it’s easy to forget to make time and to let the moment go by.

When I watch my wonderful son Orion play with his son Sebastian, I love seeing how much fun they’re having together. I decided to talk with Orion about these fun times with his son to see what I could learn.

In the video below, I interview Orion about the difference it makes in his life and in his relationship with Sebastian and with his experience of being a dad.

I recommend you take a few minutes to listen in. After the call, I realized I had learned something important about myself and my relationships, including the one with my grandson.

What Orion has to share about having fun can impact your entire life, if you really think about what he is saying.


If you’d like to discover Orion’s personal guidelines of how he creates fun, playful times with his son, become a member of my Joyous Family Coaching Circle and join us on our August Family Empowerment Call!

What to Do When Moms and Dads Disagree about their Child’s Tantrums

Johnny is on the floor screaming and crying. Your teen just stormed to her room after yelling at you. Tommy put his head on the table and refuses to talk to you.

Your child’s tantrums and emotional upsets are never fun. But they become even more complicated and challenging when you and your partner don’t see eye-to-eye on how to respond to these already difficult moments.

Usually moms and dads fall on opposite ends of the spectrum. One believes in firm rules, structure and discipline. The other is more flexible and interested in making sure their child is happy.

Because tantrums are such emotionally-charged situations, it’s easy for you and your partner to get your own emotions triggered. You lose your cool and become frustrated or angry about the way your partner just handled your child’s emotional upset.

You may believe your partner is too harsh and critical. Your partner believes your child needs more structure and that you’re letting your child walk all over you and perhaps even encourages the tantrums.

It’s important to your child and to your family’s emotional well-being that you and your partner work together, that you are equal, loving partners with one another.

Here are some quick tips to help you work things out –

1. Remember neither of you nor your partner is wrong. When it comes to parenting, the important question is not right or wrong. The important question is how can we make this work. [Read more…]

How is Technology Affecting Your Child?

Parents often share with me their concern about their child’s frequent use of technology, their seeming ‘addiction’ to all things virtual – texting, video games, instant messaging, cell phones, game boys in addition to TV and movies.

Recently I came across an article about children and technology by child psychologist and author David Elkind of Tufts University. I’ve always had great respect, affinity and admiration for his ideas and teachings.

In his article, Elkind reflects on the many changes a child experiences because of our technological society…the focus on speed in making things happen, general cultural changes of feeling busier and more rushed to get things done.

Cell phones and IM that feed into the divide between children and their parents because they have easy and immediate access to friends 24 / 7.

Before the digital culture, there was a language and lore of childhood – games, songs, rhymes, stories passed down verbally from generation to generation. Remember “The Itsy, Bitsy Spider?” Now young people have access to information from all over the world with little need or time for such ‘silly games.’

One of the things that most concerns me is the loss of 8 – 12 hours per week of unstructured play and outdoor pastimes. Elkind reminds us “spontaneous play allows children to use their imagination, make and break rules, socialize with each other…nurtures their autonomy and originality.”

These are hugely essential developmental experiences and skills that naturally develop problem-solving skills, social skills, self-expression, deep connection to one’s self, and creativity. If we limit these in our children, we “dumb them down” as author-educator John Taylor Gatto would say, and advance a mindless lack of awareness of self, others, and the realities of life. [Read more…]

Contest is ON to WIN a FREE 6-Month Membership in my new Joyous Family™ Coaching Circle! Will YOU be the WINNER? POST a COMMENT and tell us why YOU should WIN.

Why do you think you deserve to win 6-MONTHS FREE MEMBERSHIP in my “Joyous Family™ Coaching Circle?” Plus you’ll receive a complimentary FREE Coaching Session with Me about Your Most Important Family Difficulty!

My NEW Joyous Family™ Coaching Circle includes:

~Monthly coaching calls with me on important topics to help you have more joyous family relationships and emotional well-being. Among many things, we’ll talk about supporting your child to express her unique gifts positively in life, creating a more trusting relationship with your husband, and living a fulfilling life.

~Monthly Meditation to keep you emotionally on-track

~And more!


I want to generously reward moms who take action by giving the first 5 people who enter their choice of one of two free mp3 audio recordings: ‘Why Johnny Doesn’t Listen and What You Can Do About It” or “For Women Only: Three Essential Secrets to Create Joy and Intimacy with your Mate.”

To enter, simply click on the “Comments” link below and write your entry in the Comment Box that will appear.

If you want privacy and anonymity with your entry, email it to She will post it as “Anonymous” and keep a log of who entered what so we can notify the inspiring winner.

Isn’t it time you knew EXACTLY what you need to do to Create the Joyous Family™ You Most Desire? Once you know, what will you do differently and how will you and your family live your life more joyously? Tell us!

Act now so you can claim one of these workshop recordings for yourself!

I SO look forward to hearing from you and reading your inspiring dreams and desires!