Contest is ON to WIN a FREE 6-Month Membership in my new Joyous Family™ Coaching Circle! Will YOU be the WINNER? POST a COMMENT and tell us why YOU should WIN.

Why do you think you deserve to win 6-MONTHS FREE MEMBERSHIP in my “Joyous Family™ Coaching Circle?” Plus you’ll receive a complimentary FREE Coaching Session with Me about Your Most Important Family Difficulty!

My NEW Joyous Family™ Coaching Circle includes:

~Monthly coaching calls with me on important topics to help you have more joyous family relationships and emotional well-being. Among many things, we’ll talk about supporting your child to express her unique gifts positively in life, creating a more trusting relationship with your husband, and living a fulfilling life.

~Monthly Meditation to keep you emotionally on-track

~And more!


I want to generously reward moms who take action by giving the first 5 people who enter their choice of one of two free mp3 audio recordings: ‘Why Johnny Doesn’t Listen and What You Can Do About It” or “For Women Only: Three Essential Secrets to Create Joy and Intimacy with your Mate.”

To enter, simply click on the “Comments” link below and write your entry in the Comment Box that will appear.

If you want privacy and anonymity with your entry, email it to She will post it as “Anonymous” and keep a log of who entered what so we can notify the inspiring winner.

Isn’t it time you knew EXACTLY what you need to do to Create the Joyous Family™ You Most Desire? Once you know, what will you do differently and how will you and your family live your life more joyously? Tell us!

Act now so you can claim one of these workshop recordings for yourself!

I SO look forward to hearing from you and reading your inspiring dreams and desires!


  1. Anonymous 1 says:

    There is no perfect family or perfect mom or dad. I feel that is society that there are many pressures placed upon a family, especially the mother. In day to day life there will be ups and downs. It is all apart of the wonderful joyous journey that we experience as parents and in raising our children. I know that the family is the key to happiness. If possible I feel that a mother and father have a responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. “Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalms 127:3). Parents or parent have/has a duty to rear their children in love and to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. I think that successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. If we can do things we can have a happy family, teach our children, an also try to avoid the certain pressures of the world.

    I know I have my ups and downs and don’t have a perfect family. When I had a down moment I had the experience of going to a lecture given by Connie at a Pre-School. When I listened to her she had a lot of insightful information to give and to me and she fell in the guidelines of how I wanted to teach and grow to love my children even more than I did. She seemed like she could help me understand how I could get through those down times a little easier. I took a class from her and loved it and got through the down times easier. To further understand the knowledge I was given, I since took her Joyous Parenting class which was even better and more helpful in my day to day activities with my children. Since I have taken these classes it has helped me so much. I am so grateful to Connie and thankful. I now would like to enter this contest because there are other pressures of course to deal with in life. There are not only your children but parents, spouses, friends, loved ones, and everyone that surrounds you in your life. I feel if I won this contest that it would help me to become more balanced with these other pressures. I feel I have a good handle on my immediate family, it is the others that surround me that can be stressful at times. If I do become a winner I know that being apart of the Coaching Circle will help me to further understand what I need to do to become more balanced or how to handle situations when they come my way. I am sure there will be new information given that I have not learned as of yet. If I have the privilege of being in the class it will effect not only me but those who surround me. I feel everyone will be a lot happier. So I hope that there will a positive outcome and that I can participate in this wonderful experience. Thank you for this opportunity!!!

  2. Anonymous 3 says:

    I and my husband are software engineers. Also, my husband puts in long hours, so I get to do the most of the parenting. Since I also work full-time (9am – 5pm) its hard for me to strike a balance between work and family. I have been trying hard to balance work, kids, family, etc… by hiring help/etc. However, I feel that some things could be managed more intelligently (probably could be managed more better )

    So, I would like to improve our family relationships, work-life balance and emotional well-being. Also would like to support my child to express his unique gifts positively in life, by creating a happy/positive environment.

  3. As passionately committed and deeply caring parent, I can think of nothing more important than having a well-balanced, joyful family experience that allows me to fulfill my callings as a parent and in the world in a way that works for everyone in our family.

    I can also say, however, that I struggle with grasping and holding a clear vision of parenting in the confusing mish-mash of what primarily appears to be misguided (if well-intentioned) information about the way to parent children today, “balancing” parenting with the rest of life and work, etc. Frankly, it’s confusing, and none of it quite feels right to me on the deep level I need and want it to address.

    I would love to win this wonderful gift of support from you, Connie, so that I can confidently channel my passion, love, and commitment for my son in a way that will support him to be the highest expression of the person he can be in the world.

    Thank you for this opportunity!


  4. Anonymous 2 says:

    My dream for my family is support each other’s goals, and dreams, love each other and respect each other in the coming years. I feel like I’ve had a decent handle on it so far, but the landscape is changing in dramatic ways and I can feel my confidence slipping away. My daughter is in college now so we need to gracefully transition into a more adult relationship. Our relationship is somewhat complicated because she has a small financial interest in our house. I want guidance on how to assist her as she moves ahead into adulthood. I want to establish an adult relationship with her while understanding that as she grows she will still want her mother.

    My dream for my son is that he grows up all boy while being respectful and polite. I don’t want him starting fights but if a boy goes after him, I want him to stand his ground. I want him to have pride in who he is, in spite of his father’s actions.

    My dream is that we all continue to grow while maintaining our ties to each other. I want to give my daughter room to grow while still giving her the love and nurturing she will continue to need. I want to help my son understand how to have a relationship with his father even though he cannot see him in person (he can with supervision, but I don’t think his father is going to arrange it).

    I have the simple dream all mothers have; I want to hold them close to my heart while giving them the room they need to grow and blossom.

  5. Thank you Connie for this opportunity to put into words my vision for my family. I look forward to the possibility of experiencing more of your work which I find to be profound and elegantly simple.

    I envision a balance of family and work life, of harmony between each of my family members, and especially with communications with my husband relating to raising our son. We are a sacred union of opposites and so compliment each other from polarities. This can be beautiful and frustrating. I envision bridging the gap of communication and resonating together as parents and as a couple.
    This would materialize as balance of masculine and feminine styles blending with compassion and wisdom as a couple and as parents.

  6. Anonymous 4 says:

    My dream for my son is to always know he is part of the ONENESS and a powerful being of love and light. I wish him to remember that he is a Beloved Child of the Universe and to stay connected to his Essence and innate DIVINITY. I envision that no matter where he goes or what “challenges” befall him on his journey he can remain rooted and deeply centered in the truth of who he is. I want him to know how to stay in his energies and not take on the vibrations and imbalances that are not in alignment with his nature. My intention is to support, celebrate and honor his wholeness, completion and brilliance. I want him to be surrounded with children and adults who mirror this intention and are passionate about living authentically from the unlimited expression of Source. I want to
    reside in a spiritual community connected to nature enjoying time with my Beloved and my beautiful son in nature, exploring the arts and expression, in tune with the Divine Laws of the Universe. I see an image of my son and this community uplifting in their vibration, firmly rooted in conscious living and aware of what they are choosing in each moment. My son is a powerful soul meant to lead. He is aware of this even at 4. However, the world sometimes does not support this and at times I forget who I am and fall back in to old ideas and paradigms that do not serve. Thus, I wish for
    and want to be surrounded by children and adults how are connected to a unified dream of serving the highest good of all and lending support and nourishment to living in spirit. I see us living some place warm surrounded and immersed in beauty of the earth, uplifted by our fellow community, cherishing the moment and proclaiming our YES for ALL to witness.

  7. Anonymous 5 says:

    I would love to have my children take the initiative to work together as a team for the family. It seems like I am always repeating myself to get them to do simple chores that I expect of them. I would use the coaching classes to learn more effective ways to get them to be more considerate and helpful within the family unit. I would like to improve my communication skills with my children especially now as they are becoming young adults and get results without nagging or argument. Both of my children are high achievers so I tend to let a lot go by the wayside or do it myself! I do feel they take advantage of this and I am sure I brought on this behavior pattern starting when they were very young. I don’t feel I always get the support needed from my husband with regard to enforcing behaviors that I feel need correcting. I know in my relationship with my son this is a negative factor since he absolutely adores his father and has a very close relationship. My husband feels as long as they are doing well in school and not on drugs that’s enough. I have always been a full time Mom so I’ve always considered the household my job. I confess I am an over-giver! Now that the kids are older I think its time to shift gears you might say and have more time for myself, my interests that I have put on hold for my family. I really need some help with this! My tactics have not been working. Coaching may work some magic.

  8. Anonymous 6 says:

    Our family is presently approaching education, and life in general, with an unschooling philosophy. I notice that this approach works for our family, or doesn’t work, based on the quality of our connections with each other. When our connections are good, strong, flowing, intimate, there is so much life and richness right there in each moment to learn from and enjoy. When connections are disrupted I notice this richness put on hold. With so much riding on the quality of our relationships — I desire support in strengthening my awareness of how I can hold this sacred space more securely. We’ve been through a lot as a family, and in the past year we have experienced tremendous gains in our connections with each other. I would love to see us continue to build on this foundation because I can sense the seeds of greatness within my children and I want to be one who supports and nourishes this greatness so it can flower and become part of the expression of a newly revitalized world. And — I know that whoever wins this contest, we are all the winners, in that more of this precious human life is honored and celebrated, bringing more richness to our planet. Thank you Connie.
    blessed be.

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