Don’t Miss This Call Tonight! Nurture your Child’s Self-Confidence

This is your last chance to join us for my class tonight “5 Essential Secrets to Raising a Self-Confident Child.” I have so much crucial information to share with you.

In fact, as I’ve been finalizing the content for the class, I’ve discovered I have SIX essential secrets to share with you. I promised I would give you the best I have about nurturing your child’s self-confidence, and that is exactly what I am going to do.

Often parents don’t recognize when their child is struggling with confidence, a lack of grounded trust in herself. Yet if your child has recurrent emotional meltdowns or angry outbursts, if your child hesitates, is often uncertain, or lacks motivation, your child is in some way struggling with self-confidence.

I invite you to take a moment and consider how important your child and his confidence is to you.

Then consider what you are willing to invest of your time and finances to nurture that. It’s probably a lot.

Now let this powerful feeling of commitment to your child and her self-confidence move you to take action right now.

Sure, spending more money and being on the phone tonight may not sound like the highlight of your day right now. But what if you leave the class more energized, more inspired, more focused and clear about what you need to do to nurture this all-important quality in your child?

What if you can make a profound, positive change in your child’s life by making a few simple changes in your own behavior and in your awareness of what your child needs from you?

The time is now. There is no more ‘tomorrow’ to sign-up. I’d love to share this information with you.

Click here to sign-up now.

If you already have something you’re doing tonight during this time and cannot be on the call live, sign-up now and I will send you the audio recording and the transcript within just a couple of days.

Plus, if you have a question you’d like to ask me about your unique situation, go ahead and register and then email your question to me by 3 pm Pacific today, and I will answer your question during the 30-minute Q & A at the end of the class.

Don’t miss this impactful, life-changing information! I am blown-away by all the content I will be sharing with you tonight!

Click here to sign-up now.

Oh, and when you come to the call tonight, be sure to have paper and pencil and your favorite drink so you can get the most from this class for yourself and your child.

I look forward to talking with you soon.

To your Joyous Family!

P.S. Please tell your friends and family who might also want this information about nurturing their child’s self-confidence. Make a difference in their lives too! Thanks.

5 Qualities Your Child Needs to Be Self-Confident

Every parent wants their child to be self-confident, but what does this mean? How can you tell if your child is self-confident? What qualities does he need to have?

It may not be what you think! Academic achievement or social acceptance does not necessarily mean your child is self-confident.

Your child is skilled at learning to be the person she believes you and the other important people in her life want her to be. Then she acts as she believes she ‘should’ rather than the truth of who she is.

Here’s your opportunity to learn those essential qualities your child needs in order to be self-confident. Look below the surface to see what you discover. [Read more…]

3 Simple Tips to Have More Love in Your Family

In This Issue

Personal Note from Connie

New Article: “3 Simple Tips to Have More Love with Your Family”

Connie Recommends: Parenting Solutions Teleclasses
Watch for more information next week.

Personal Note from Connie

My big news for today is my new Parenting Solutions Teleclasses begin in March. I’ve been planning these for several months, and I feel now is the time.

There will be one teleclass monthly that will teach you results-driven strategies and skills about a specific area of challenge or concern for parents. Each class will include both information and extensive time for questions.

In case you don’t know, a teleclass is a class given over the phone and is somewhat like a conference call. You dial into a number (not toll-free) and then enter a special pin code. Once on the call, you can share your observations and questions and listen to everyone else.

The first teleclass will be on Tuesday, March 12 in the evening. Be sure to save the date!

The topic will be the most-requested challenge in my survey last November. I’ll tell you what it is next week, and I’ll be sharing valuable f.ree information prior to the class itself.

Watch for my announcement next week!

Happy trails!

To your Joyous Family!


P.S. A big, warm welcome to all our new readers! I look forward to getting to know you.

P.P.S. Do you know someone who is passionate about being a good parent or who might like a little help to create a more harmonious, fun, and easy relationship with their child? If so, would you please forward this email on to her?


New Article: “3 Simple Tips to Have More Love with Your Family”

In honor of Valentine’s Day tomorrow and because I know we can all enjoy a little more love with our family, here are 3 simple actions you can begin today to make every day Valentine’s Day.

Tip #1: Every day think of one quality or skill you appreciate in each person in your family. Then pause for a few moments to enjoy how delightful you feel to enjoy this special quality of this person you love.

It can be as mundane as “I appreciate that my husband does the dishes every day” to as profound as “I love seeing how comfortable my son is being himself.”

Whatever you think of, be sure it’s something that genuinely feels good to you and then enjoy it in your heart. Hint: You will notice a smile lighting up your face.

Tip #2: Do one thing every day that will please at least one other person in your family.

Be sure to do this without any expectation of what the response will be. Simply do it because it feels good to you to express your love through your actions.

Sometimes these actions may be simple, such as getting someone’s favorite flavor of ice cream when you’re at the store, and others more complex and involved, such as planning a surprise outing.

Tip #3: Most important of all, do one thing for yourself everyday that makes you feel good.

Maybe it’s dancing to your favorite song, a night out to see a move, or even a day adventure by yourself. It could even be 10 minutes admiring your garden or listening to the birds.

Often the most simple can be the most magical and fulfilling.

There you have it! 3 simple, totally-do-able actions you can take to create more love in your family. If tackling all 3 at once seems like too much, then start with one of these tips. Do it for a week or two until it becomes a part of your life and then add the second one of your choosing.

Having more loving feelings and interactions with your family is not really that complicated.

If you’re having trouble with any one of these, be gentle with yourself and begin at a simple level.

For example, if your teenage son has been frustrating and difficult for what seems like forever, it’s probably going to take some digging to think of even one thing you can appreciate about him. Choose something small like the color of his eyes or a memory from childhood.

Simple small actions can create amazing beauty and joy in your family. Simply look at the mountains to see what simple small actions can create.

Joyous Valentines Day to you and your family!

What are you going to do? Let me know in the Comments below!

Connie Recommends: Parenting Solutions Teleclasses

Monthly teleclasses focusing on important parenting challenges and concerns.

The first one is Tuesday, March 12 at 6:30 Pacific Time. Be sure to mark your calendars. I promise it will be on a topic of importance to every parent. You won’t want to miss it!

Watch for more information next week.

You are More Important to Your Child than You Realize!

Have you ever stopped to consider how important you are to your child?

Much of your child’s emotional well-being is literally in your hands, and emotional well-being is so essential for…

~ your child’s happiness and success both now and in the future.

~ the feelings you and your child have for one another both now and in the future – close and trusting or distant and argumentative, loving and honest or angry and filled with pretense

~ your child’s ability to feel safe and confident in the world or to feel uncertain and hesitant

~ your child’s willingness, desire, and ability to listen to you, to care about your ideas and the important life experience information you can share with her, to cooperate with you

Your influence in your child’s life is HUGELY important and will affect you and your child for the rest of your lives.

If your want your child’s emotional well-being and the happiness in your family to be a priority this year, I invite you to my F.REE upcoming 2013 Virtual Planning Retreat for Parents on Saturday, January 19.

This is an opportunity for you to pause and reflect on what matters most to you in being a parent. We’ll focus on how to make 2013 more joyous, fun, fulfilling.

Click here to find out more about this free event.

If you want to know more about how important you are to your child’s emotional well-being, watch the video below.

That Annoying ‘Taken for Granted’ Feeling

For those of you in the U.S., I hope your Thanksgiving was joyous and that you shared many warm, precious moments with your family. For me, it felt even more wonderful that usual. Here is what I’ve discovered.

For me, a joyous Thanksgiving means…

Feeling lovingly connected and relaxed with my family

Preparing, enjoying, and celebrating good food together

Sharing the food preparation so everyone contributes and does as much as s/he wants

Making pumpkin pie with ease the day before with two wonderful grandchildren ready with a tasting spoon each

Feeling refreshed and nourished at the end of the day

Cherishing my wonderful memories of a day well lived

What made your day special for you?


That Annoying ‘Taken for Granted’ Feeling

When I talk deeply and honestly with parents about their parenting challenges, there is one that eventually surfaces. Buried under layers of their child’s misbehaviors is the feeling of being taken for granted by their child.

Feeling unappreciated and recognized for all they give and do for their child. Sometimes they call it “feeling disrespected.”

This truth is often shared quietly and with a feeling of shame and hesitancy to admit it, even to themselves.

What I find is parents often ignore this feeling because they’re focused on their child’s observable behaviors, the things they can see and hear, and not on the sub-text of their communication together.

Sometimes they don’t recognize it because they are busy doing, giving, and taking care of their child.

Does this sound familiar?

On the slip side, sometimes parents don’t recognize appreciation from their child when it is given, for example when your child does something thoughtful for you or gives you a big hug and says, “I love you!”

Often when parents feel unappreciated and taken for granted, their tempers flare more easily because they feel exhausted and drained. Yet, underneath this lies the debilitating feeling of being unappreciated for all they give to their child.

If you feel taken for granted, it is not a flaw in your child. The truth is your child longs to feel loving and appreciative toward you. She may not consciously recognize this desire nor have the awareness, but she feels it, nonetheless …even your seemingly uncaring teen or tween.

If you want to feel more appreciated by your child of any age, then it is you who must step up to make the change in yourself. It is you who has the insight, awareness, and resources to create a better relationship between you and your child.

I invite you to explore this for yourself. Here are some questions to get you started.

1. What are the ways or situations in which you feel appreciated by your child?

2. What are the things you do for your child that leave you feeling exhausted and taken for granted?

3. What are the things you’d most like your child to appreciate about you or what you’ve done or given? Write them down.

4. What does being taken for granted feel like to you?

5. What do you do or say when you feel taken for granted by your child?

What are the times you feel appreciated by your child? Please let me know in the Comments below.

Today is a great day to take action! If you’d like some help knowing how to have your child appreciate you more, I invite to you get my video series “How to Foster Heart-Felt Appreciation, Politeness, and Kindness in your Child.”

You can get this program for almost 50% off from now until this Friday, November 30.

Click here to get this for yourself and your child.


Connie Recommends: “How to Foster Heart-Felt Appreciation, Politeness, and Kindness in your Child”

If you’d like to learn a new, easier approach that actually gets results without all of the reminding and frustration, I invite you get my new video series “How to Foster Heart-Felt Appreciation, Politeness, and Kindness in your Child.”

Every parent wants their child to be on their best behavior during the holidays and year round. This creates a lot of stress for you and your child. That makes this an excellent time of year to support your child to develop and live the art of heart-felt appreciation and kindness.

This information-packed video series teaches you specific steps you can implement immediately and will be invaluable for children of all ages. Plus, you’ll be able to watch the videos anytime, anywhere that is convenient for you, especially during this busy time of year.

You can get the video series for almost 50% off plus a F.EEE bonus by acting today.

Click here to get your program and to learn more..


What’s Connie Up To?

Saturday, January 5

Imagine setting aside a few short hours to focus on your family and to reflect on what worked and didn’t work in 2012. Then be guided through a process to help you clarify your priorities for 2013 and to create specific ideas and plans to make the New Year even more harmonious, fun, and easy with your child. This F.REE event will be from 9 – 11:30 am Pacific.

Mark your calendars! I’ll send you more information as the time gets closer.

End of January Joyous Parenting Training

This is the class that will rock your socks when it comes to parenting and lay a foundation of deep understanding of how to be the parent your child wants you to be, the parent you will most enjoy being. Seven classes plus options for additional support. More info coming soon.