How to Connect with your Child After a Hard Day of Work

In Today’s Newsletter

~ Personal note from Connie
~ Do you have a copy of my book Joyous Child Joyous Parent?
Attend my F.REE Question and Answer Webinar
~ New video: How to Connect with your Child After a Hard Day at Work

~ Personal note from Connie

So nice to be connecting with you again! I hope you had a delightful weekend. I took a walk with my dear friend Rima in a lovely park and a relaxing horse ride with my wonderful husband Doug on Sunday. It was an uneventful ride, which is ALWAYS good.

Last night I got a call from my delightful daughter-in-law Nichola and my wonderful grandchildren Sebastian and Madison. They and my son had been gone all weekend so it was great to hear from all of them.

Hearing and feeling my grandchildren want to connect with me is magical beyond words! Madi doesn’t have a lot of words yet, and she is an enthusiastic screamer whose message comes through loud and clear.

~ Do You Have a Copy of my Book?

If you do, you are invited to participate in my F.REE Question and Answer Webinar in two weeks.

It doesn’t matter when or how you got your copy – a gift, as part of a program you took with me in the past, a purchase two years ago. As long as you have a copy of my book, you are invited.

Register by going here.

New Video: How to Connect with your Child After a Hard Day at Work

Is it difficult to know how to relate with your child after a tough day of work?

Do you sometimes bring work home with you, including your unhappy feelings?

In today’s video, I give you specific actions you can take and words you can say after a less-than-delightful day at work.

Making the transition to being with your child after a hectic, full day can be challenging, and it is easy to let the events of your day become a part of your evening with your child.

You can change this pattern with a few conscious steps before you walk through the door and when you greet your child.

This short (4 minutes) video tells you how.

Please share any experiences you have using these guidelines. They inspire other parents and give them new ideas.

Happy trails!

To your Joyous Family!

I’m having so much fun giving my books away! I love giving parents the insights and tools I discovered that have made such a powerful, positive impact in my life, in my son’s life, my grandchildren’s lives, my clients’ lives, the lives of the young people I taught.

As part of my book giveaway, which is happening now, I am hosting a F.REE Q & A webinar for EVERYONE who has a copy of my book. If you already have a copy of my book, get one F.REE during the giveaway, whenever or however you got your copy, I’d love to have you join me for this event. You can register for the webinar here.

During the webinar, I will answer your questions and show you how to resolve your current parenting challenges by creating more emotionally nurturing, healthy interactions with your child. Emotional pain and confusion – yours and your child’s – are at the root of all your parenting difficulties.

When you discover how to work with emotions, you will see your discomfort and difficulties with your child dramatically improve or even disappear easily and quickly.

Here are some results you might observe:
~ You will be more patient and relaxed as a parent.
~ You and your child will have fewer arguments, meltdowns, incidents of yelling at one another.
~ Your child will be happier and more self-confident and self-reliant.
~ Your child will listen to you and be more cooperative.
~ You won’t need to repeat yourself multiple times to get results.
~ Your child will be more independent and self-responsible.
~ You will have significantly fewer worries and stresses as a parent.

If this sounds appealing to you, I invite you to get my book Joyous Child Joyous Parent today for F.REE during my giveaway. Go here to get your F.REE book.

If you already have a copy of my book, maybe one you purchased a couple of years ago and want to attend my webinar in early September, you must register before the event. Go here to register for the F.REE webinar.

Note: You MUST confirm that you want the information about the webinar in the follow-up email you will receive. If you do not confirm, you will not receive the access information for the webinar.

Remember, copies of my book are going quickly. When they are gone, the giveaway ends whether it is Monday or next Friday.

I’ll be thrilled to send you a F.REE copy of Joyous Child Joyous Parent and to have you join me for my F.REE pull-no-punches webinar, in which I will give you the best of what I know.

I wish you a fun, relaxing weekend with your family!

Happy trails!

To your Joyous Family!

Your Child Needs Structure!

Do you have repetitive struggles with your child, in which one or both of you get upset?

This frequently happens when parents are unclear how to set limits in a way that empowers their child and brings out his best.

Last week I shared a powerful question with you that will assist you in reducing the number of conflicts you have with your child. If you haven’t already watched this short video (3.5 minutes), I urge you to do so and be sure to read the comments below as they provide valuable insights from parents just like you.

Click here to watch “The Most Important Parenting Question”

My new video below “Your Child Needs Structure!
” builds on the information from the week before, helping you understand why your child needs limits and what limits are worth setting.

I cannot emphasize too strongly how essential and empowering this information is. By taking just a few minutes now, you can get a timely reminder or even a brand new idea to explore and implement. Take time now to watch them both!

Hope you’re making precious time to enjoy nature with your child this summer. Doug and I are heading out early today with 5-year-old grandson Sebastian for a 6-day camping adventure in the Sierras. So looking forward to sharing some cool stuff with him!

Happy trails!

Secret to Being More Patient with Your Child

I hope you and your family are enjoying the start of summer! My husband and I are deeply into a remodel of our home – the offices and bedroom – all of which have closets with lots of stuff. It’s expanded into a bigger project than we anticipated — doesn’t it often? — and we are making good progress and love how it is looking.

Today’s Video

Every parent gets frustrated and angry with their child from time to time, and you say or do something you later regret. What makes the difference in its impact on your child and in your relationship are how frequently you become upset and how intensely.

It’s important to remember how emotionally sensitive your child is. Yes, even your surly teen. In fact, your child is probably more aware of your up-tightness than you are. What you say and do affects your child’s self-confidence and his connection with you more deeply than you probably realize. This one is crucial!

Today’s short video gives you the most important step to being more patient with your child. Without this step, you will continually try to control and manage your anger without getting to its root causes and making the long term changes you desire.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I love hearing from you and want you and your child to love your joyous time together! Write your question in the ‘Comment’ section or send me an email.

Parents’ Most Common Misunderstanding

When are the times you struggle to understand why your child is acting the way she is?

When you wonder why your child repeats a behavior that you’ve frequently told him not to do?

Your child’s repetitive behavior challenges occur when you unknowingly misunderstand what matters most to your child, what she most needs from you, her mom and dad.

Watch this video and gain a deeper understanding of what makes your child tick!

Then tell me what you are you going to do to improve your relationship with your child. How do you see these behavior difficulties differently? Share your insights with other parents!