Happy Mother’s Day!

This is a big WOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOO!!! to all you mothers and grandmothers

who give the best you’ve got to your children and your family every day.

who ask the important questions when you feel a concern for your child.

who have the courage to do what’s best for your child, even when it means not doing what others expect or want you to do.

who want your child to be who she is and not who you or anyone else wants her to be.

who know and take action to value yourself so you can be fully present to your family.

who care deeply about your child’s Emotional Wholeness and make conscious choices to nurture it.

I celebrate all of you, even when you don’t do it perfectly or get it ‘right’ every time. None of us do.

I hope you do something fun for you this weekend and cherish the special moments you have with your child and your family.

Doug and I are taking Sebastian camping this weekend, something we all love to do while Orion and Nichola are taking a weekend for themselves (with Madison). I am delighted to think of them having a special weekend.

What are you doing this Mother’s Day that is special to you? I’d love to know! Please share your plans with other moms. You just might inspire someone else!

A heart-felt Happy Mother’s Day to you!


  1. Mary Amrine says:

    All four of us went for a wonderful hike in the redwoods in Felton for Mother’s Day. We finished it off with a fun dinner at Ciao Bella in Boulder Creek on the way home. It was so great to just spend time with the family without the usual distractions. 🙂

    • Connie Allen says:

      Sounds fantastic, Mary! Congratulations for creating such a delightful day for yourself and your family! Nature is the best for families!

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