Family Fun & Adventure in Mendocino

All 5 of us – our son Orion, his 5-months pregnant wife Nichola, their 2.5 year old son Sebastian, my husband Doug and me – hike enthusiastically up Jughandle Creek Trail just north of the coastal village of Mendocino where we are enjoying our 3-day weekend together. The beauty of the surrounding redwoods and ferns, the colorful beauty of rhododendron blooms, the crisp, clear, freshness of the air invigorate and inspire us.

Sebastian seems to be running more than he is walking, and we love sharing family time in nature. (I highly recommend this for everyone!)

One of Orion’s and Sebastian’s favorite pastimes together is hiding and jumping out to surprise the other. Even though Sebastian is increasingly clever in his maneuvering, usually he is the one who jumps, followed by a big smile and roaring at the top of his lungs at his supposed ‘attacker.’

It’s great fun for the participants and the observers alike!

About halfway to the top, we’re all involved in this fun game, taking turns running ahead, sometimes just one of us, sometimes one of us with Sebastian, hiding behind a tree or a large fern at the side of the trail. Sometimes he sends all of three of us ahead, and he finds us one-by-one in our hiding spots..

We’re all roaring and laughing, scheming and sneaking, playing as only a 2-year-old can inspire!

We get happy smiles from hikers walking down the trail as we hide behind the tree they’re passing.

As we approach the top, a sweaty Sebastian slows down a bit, and we all willingly join him in walking.

A brief pause at the top in the pygmy forest for some water and rest, then Sebastian is off again, happily running down the trail, easily negotiating more roots in the trail as he quickly covers the uneven ground until we reach our car.

I know we’ll all remember this fun hike we shared together as a family. I cherish this joyous delight of  feeling profound love, appreciation, and trust in my wonderful family!

When is your next fun family adventure?

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