What Kind of Day Are You Creating for Yourself?

Doug and I were camping and literally ‘driving off the beaten track’ last week in Anza Borrego Desert State Park. We camped in Hawk Canyon, one of our favorite places in the park.

We went there because the wind was gusting hard, making it impossible for me to relax and enjoy where we were. When we got to Hawk Canyon, we nestled into our little alcove between the high red rock cliffs. The air was still, and it was just us and Mother Earth.

My body immediately relaxed, and I felt happy and free. Everything was simply perfect, and I could have stayed there for days, listening to myself, being, responding to what I felt called to do next. I felt so content and fulfilled.

Return to my life in the Bay Area, and everything has changed. There are emails to go through and write, people to meet, projects to get done, holiday gifts to be chosen. I love all these things, yet what a change!

I find it’s so easy to get caught up in all the seemingly necessary and important tasks of my daily life and to lose the deeper joy and flow of it. I push myself to get things done instead of listening to myself and being.

Today I’m going to imagine myself back in Hawk Canyon where I feel free, relaxed, and fulfilled by simply being. I wonder what kind of day I’ll create.

What are your secrets to getting into the flow and fulfillment of life? Please share them with us.

Get Out of the House…and Play!

Doug and I recently returned from visiting my brother and his wife in Estes Park, Colorado, near Rocky Mountain National Park. To add to the excitement, we took our 5-year-old grandson Sebastian.

This is Sebastian’s first airplane flight since he was an infant, and I don’t know which of us is more excited – him or me. I am thrilled to be sharing this experience with him. He arrives at our home eager to get to the airport; then at the airport goes through dropping off our bags and security with ease. He is impatient to get on the plane and then for the plane to take off.

Every step of the way he wants to know what is going on. “When are we getting something to eat?” “Why are we stopping?” “Are we going to take off now?”

A few seconds after take-off, he grabs his stomach and exclaims, “Whew, I feel a little nauseous!”

He waits a couple of seconds, looks out the window again, and exclaims breathlessly, “Whoa! I’m a little scared!” Then leans back in his seat for a few seconds to re-group.

Soon he is over his caution and he gazes out the window, studying all he sees below. While still over the Bay Area, he points out the window and eagerly tells me, “Look, Connie. It looks like a map down there!”

Brilliant observation, He’s right. I’ve never thought of it that way. Through the eyes of a child…

On our return flight, Sebastian is now a veteran flyer. He knows what’s expected as we go through all the airport procedures, even taking 100% responsibility for his things going through security. I wasn’t about to touch his bin!

Family adventures give us such joyous, magical memories and deepen our connection with one another. They expand your child’s self-confidence, understanding of the world and ability to enjoy and be successful in life. A bargain at any price!

Below are more photos of our trip, plus tips and suggestions for creating your own fall family adventure, whether it’s an outing of a few hours or a weekend journey.


I invite you to create your own adventure with your family this fall. Even though summer is over, you can still get out and enjoy the fresh coolness of fall.

When planning a family adventure, here are important guidelines to follow:

!. Choose you destination and activity together. Just because you drive the car, your vote does not trump everyone else’s.

2. If you simply cannot agree on a destination, then work out an agreement that works for everyone. This weekend we go here; next weekend we do what someone else wants to do. The agreement also includes no whining, complaining, or feet-dragging when it’s not your pick.

3. Think outside the box. What can you do that will be new to everyone, even if you’re not sure you’ll like it. Be willing to experiment.

4. Stretch your comfort zone. Maybe the idea of playing video games is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Yet can two hours exploring something your child loves ruin your day or do you harm? Perhaps you’ll discover something new about your child, and he might even see you in a different light.

5. Don’t let your child of any age talk you out of your resolve to do something together. Toughing it out with Mom and Dad won’t destroy his sense of self. Or it might, which could be a good thing.

Here are some activities you could do in a a couple of hours or a weekend:

~ Visit your closest state park for a day or a weekend and go exploring.

~ Take a hike. On our trip to Colorado, Sebastian hiked 4 miles at an elevation of about 12,000 feet without complaint or whining. Give your child of any age the opportunity to challenge his body and build endurance and strength.

~ Travel to the nearest body of water – a stream, lake or ocean. Walk beside it. Play in it. Look in to see what you can find.

~ Visit a museum near your home, one with something of interest to your child. Look for special exhibits that appeal to your family.

~ Visit a wildlife rescue center near you. What a great way for all of you to see wildlife up close.

~ Speaking of seeing wildlife up close, visit a zoo in your area.

~ Ask your child what s/he would most like to do.

Highlights and Photos of our Trip:

Seeing FIVE big horn rams, all close to the road, on Bas’s 5th birthday

Seeing and hearing the bull elk bugle and fight over the femiales

Watching Bas throw rocks in the water, swing sticks as we walked down the trail, use trekking poles, want to catch fish, spotting elk poop.

Bas answering questions and being sworn in as a Junior Ranger after extensive research to complete his Jr. Ranger Book. He took great pride in that badge.

Bright golden leaves of the aspen

What are your favorite adventure spots with your family? What do you most enjoy! I’d love to have you share them in the Comments below.

Here’s to experiencing and cherishing all the joy and beauty life offers us!


Tip #5 ~ The Importance of Being Adventurous with Your Child

Today is the first day of my book giveaway and I have a new video for you. You can read about both below.

“Joyous Child Joyous Parent” Book Giveaway

From now until midnight, Friday, August 24, I am giving all of my printed books away for F.REE. And you are welcome to get additional copies for your family and friends! All I ask is that you cover the low investment of handling and shipping.

My book will still be available in the future in a printed version with a quality cover I love, and I am in the process of creating e-versions for all formats.

Plus, as my gift for everyone who takes action to raise a more Joyous Child and to be a more Joyous Parent by investing in my book during the give-away. I will host a free Q & A webinar during which I will answer as many of your parenting questions as I can for a full 60 minutes! This is win-win-win!

Quantities are limited so don’t wait until the last day to get yours! When they are gone, they are gone, even if it is before the end of the give-away.

Go here to get your free book/s and webinar now.

I am thrilled to be sharing this transformational, results-driven information with you!

New Video: The Importance of Being Adventurous with Your Child

Most of us don’t immediately think of being adventurous with our child as a good idea. It seems our child can be adventurous enough on his own.

In my new video Tip #5 I explain the importance of being more adventurous together and give you some tips on how to do it easily.

And, yes, being adventurous is an important part of parenting! Who knew?

What adventures have you taken with your child – whether a toddler or a teen? I’d love to hear about them in the Comments section.

Happy trails!

To your Joyous Family!


How to Have More Fun with your Child

I’m going to the gym this morning with my wonderful son Orion where we regularly attend one of our favorite gym classes together. We both look forward to our Friday morning gym date and all the “it hurts so good pain” and the great conversation we share.


From Monday, August 13 until midnight, Friday, August 24, I am giving all of my printed books away for FREE. And you are welcome to get additional copies for your family and friends! All I ask is that you cover the low investment of handling and shipping.

Quantities are limited so don’t wait until the last day to get yours! When they are gone, they are gone, even if it is before Friday, August 24.

Plus I’m including an additional value-packed gift for those who take advantage of my book giveaway.

Watch for my announcement this coming Monday when I’ll tell you how to get your FREE copy of my book and the added gift. I am so excited to be sharing this with you!


In case you haven’t been able to watch my recent videos, I’m doing videos on each of my Top Ten Parenting Tips, which are included in my book. Today’s video is Tip #4.

A word of warning: My Top Ten Tips can be deceptively simple Most parents believe they know this, yet most people do not actually implement these important basic ideas in their life.

Knowing something intellectually is very different than living it day-to-day. For example, when was the last time you tried to eat more healthy foods or to work out more at the gym?

When you watch the videos, you have an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the idea and how to make it a part of your daily life. When you live these truths, you more profoundly bring out the best in your child and deepen your emotional connection with her.

Here are links to all 4 tips I’ve done so far:

#1 – The Most Important Parenting Question

#2 – Your Child Needs Structure

#3 – Nurture your Emotional Connection with your Child

#4 – Play with your Child – below

All of these videos are short – 4 to 5 minutes in length and will deepen your ability to be the parent your child wants and needs you to be.

Happy trails!

To your Joyous Family!


What is happening now…

I have wanted to write to you for a while now to let you know what I’m up to, what’s happening with me since I last wrote to you.

At the end of June, when I returned from my solo journey in the Balkans, I realized a huge shift had happened within me. The person who left was not the person who returned. I needed time and space to sort things out for myself. All I wanted to do was stop everything I was doing and focus on finding my deeper truth.

In the Balkans, I experienced how valuable freedom, joy, exploration, and discovery are to me, how much I need variety and spontaneity in my life. I also longed to stop pushing and ‘shoulding’ myself. This is what I’ve been exploring for the last several months.

Another thing I discovered on my journey is how much joy I can experience in really simple things…sitting on the banks of the Grand Canal in Venice and partaking of the unique sights, sounds and smells around me. Hiking around Plitvice Lakes in Croatia, surrounded by luscious turquoise waters. Delighting in the stunning Alpine scenery from my balcony in Lake Bohinj, Slovenia. Savoring the brilliant colors in the harbor of small village of Cres, Croatia.

In those moments, I experienced such deep, abiding joy and contentment within me and a certain knowing I had everything I needed in that moment.

Since my time in the Balkans, I’ve been hanging out, doing what I feel called to do as much as I can in each moment. I’ve found deeper joy and connection with my family, more inner peace – a LOT more inner peace – and way more relaxed! I’ve stepped out of ‘achiever mode’ and am exploring ‘being.’

Plus, in October, Doug and I spent two glorious weeks in Brazil where we made like the locals – chilled and enjoyed the simple pleasures of the moment…delicious fresh fruit, watching the waves, sleeping in.

And, in the midst of all this, in the background of my mind, I’ve wondered if I would ever do anything again. What if I ran out of things to do? What if I couldn’t find what I was seeking? What if I couldn’t find anything I wanted to do? What about all these ideas about children and relationships that I kept feeling the urge to share?

I’ve done my best to trust myself and my process in all of this, to give myself time. I can feel the tide begin to turn inside me. Something new and joyous is coalescing inside of me…the possibility of new ways to share the ideas about raising children and partnering that have been so valuable in my life and those I have guided.

I sit here now, knowing change is in the wind, as I explore new possibilities for adventure in the world and in sharing the information I feel such passion to share. As I get clearer, I will let you know more.

As always, I would love to hear from you, how you are doing, your joys as well as your challenges and questions about bringing out the best in yourself, your child, and your partner. Our families are our richest and most profoundly important treasure of our lives. What do you want to enjoy more with your family?

I wish you and the family you cherish a most joyous, fulfilling, and loving of holidays!

Here is a link to the recording of a radio interview I did last year about “Reducing Stress with Your Family during the Holidays.’ I hope you enjoy it!


I look forward to hearing from you and connecting with you again soon.

Happy Trails!

To your Joyous Family!
