Are You Trying to Control Your Anger with Your Child?

Most of us grow up being taught to worship the ‘God of Logic and Reason.’ You were mostly likely taught to use your intellect to think your way out of difficulties and to control your emotions. Because of this, you may be trying to use your rational mind to control your anger and frustration toward your child.

I’ve found the most effective way to work through emotional challenges is by focusing on your underlying emotions and to not try to suppress them and shove them under the rug. They are still there and will re-surface sometime in the future, probably with more intensity.

When you increase your awareness of what is stirring up your anger — it is NOT your child — then you begin to have needed awareness and strategies to calm to your inner emotional fire.

This is exactly why I am offering my one-time only teleclass “Keep Your Cool: How to Be More Patient with Your Child” on Monday, June 10. In this class, you will:

  • Become more aware of the under-lying causes of your irritation.
  • Learn new strategies to approach your repetitive challenges with your child so you stay cool as a cucumber.
  • Develop new skills to nurture your own emotional well-being.
  • Discover new tools to communicate with your child to reduce or eliminate the challenging moments.
  • Learn an effective 4- step process to ‘clean up the mess’ when you find yourself yelling at your child.

If you’re ready to turn anger and annoyance with your child toward greater calm and connection, I invite you to sign-up today for “Keep Your Cool: How to Be More Patient with Your Child.”

Click here now to sign-up and learn more.

Your relationship with your child is the most important asset when it comes to being a parent. Repetitive angry interactions dramatically harm and limit this relationship. Don’t let this affordable, easy opportunity go by!