“How to Bully-Proof Your Child and What to Do If It Happens”

There’s a lot of discussion and worry these days about bullying:

  • heart-rending stories of children who have been victimized by their peers, some with tragic results
  • child violence against another child, whether with words, actions, or cyber-bullying,
  • fights and gang rapes
  • killings by youths with guns

…and always more strategies and new programs to prevent these terrible situations.

Bullying You probably worry about your own child and whether he will be the next victim or the next bully and for good reason. The statistics about bullying among young people are troubling.



According to bullyingstatistics.org,

  • About 58% of kids and teens report that something mean has been said about them to to them online.
  • 77% of students have admitted to being the victim of one type of bullying or another.
  • American Justice Department bullying statistics show that one out of every 4 teens will be bullied during their adolescence.
  • 46% of males and 26% of females report being physically bullied.
  • According to I-Safe American survey of students, about 58% of children admit to never telling an adult when they’ve been the victim of a bullying attack.

This last statistic is especially troubling because this tells us so much about how parents and teachers are not connecting with young people in the way they’d like. You can do something about this with strategies that get results.

What works

Simply trying to teach a child not to bully or how not to be a victim is NEVER going to work. We are talking about primal emotions here, and they cannot be taught through should’s and words.

What makes the difference is how you interact with your own child, and you can do something about this! The sooner you begin the better it is for your precious child.

You may believe if you say and do the ‘right’ things, you’ll help your child deal with bullying. What I’ve found is if you want to protect your child from bullying, you must focus on empowering your child to be:

  • so emotionally strong and empowered within they have no need to bully others to prove themselves
  • so emotionally healthy and resilient they are not good targets. Their feelings of internal power and self-respect are intact. They know who they are; they are self-confident; they are not easily intimidated or belittled by others.
  • so connected to their own inner strength and compassion for others they make kind, courageous choices to be kind.

What’s a parent to do?

You are NOT powerless! Yet to be effective in helping your child, you have to be aware of what you’re doing and have strategies that really work to empower your child – both as prevention and what to do if bullying happens.

This is what I want to share with you in my downloadable program “How to Bully-Proof Your Child and What to Do If It Happens.”

If you’re ready to take action now to be sure you are on a good path to empowering your child in a world where children hurt other children, I invite you to invest in this affordable class for only $27.

Click below to sign-up now.

In this practical class, you will learn:

  • A major cause of bullying that most experts overlook
  • Strategies to empower your child socially so she is less vulnerable to being bullied
  • The most important thing you can do to support your child to tell you when he’s been bullied
  • How to best help your child respond to bullying – what works and what doesn’t
  • Tools to help your child have inner strength and use her power positively

This is what you will receive in this content-rich program:

#1 A downloadable audio recording

You can listen to the audio online or download it to your computer or mp3 player to replay later.

#2 A complete transcript of the class

If you love to get your information from reading instead of listening, this is for you.

#3 Two-page handout

This is timeless information and applies to your child of any age from 2 months to 22 years and older. The principles and skills you learn now will guide you to nurture your child and your relationship with her both now and in the future.

Does this sound like what you and your child need?

Wonderful! Simply click the button below!