This is Not Cute!

~ Personal note from Connie

I hope you and your family are doing wonderfully! On Monday Doug and I trailered our horses to Sam McDonald County Park, my favorite place to ride. It was a warm, sunny day, perfect for a ride. One of our favorite trails goes down the ridge through lush vegetation, a pause for lunch, then a couple of stream crossings where our horses pause to drink.

Soon we are loping through the redwoods, surrounded by them. My hair is flying, the air is clear and sweet, and I am in bliss. I know of nothing I love more. Such freedom and joy!

We come back up the ridge, riding a single track trail and loping much of the way. My mare Destiny loves to run! She takes off for one final push to the top (She knew this was the final rise!).

We come thundering into the clearing at the top, and there maybe 50 feet in front of us, is a gorgeous mountain lion – yes, a mountain lion! – slinking off into the brush at the edge of the clearing. Destiny is so full of joy and perhaps she senses the cat’s fear that she acts as if it were nothing. As we walk away, Echo looks behind us. He noticed!

An exciting end to a breath-taking, joyous ride!

Happy trails!

To your Joyous Family!

~ LAST CALL! Do You Have a Copy of my Book?

If you do, you are invited to attend in my F.REE Q & A Teleclass happening next Monday, September 17.

It doesn’t matter when or how you got it – a gift, part of a program you took with me in the past, a purchase two years ago. As long as you have a copy of my book, you are invited.

You must register to participate. Register by going here.

~ New article: This is NOT Cute!

I saw this photo shared on Facebook with comments like “This is cute. Good reminder”, and within seconds, I am furious! This approach to helping children be more conscious, kind people is so limiting to them and to us, and I’m sure the people who put this together care deeply about children.

Yet we must ask deeper questions and be aware of the long-term effects of our approaches to raising and educating our children.

The kind of message taught on this poster tries to teach intellectual ideals – someone’s should’s – to the child, which lessens her natural consciousness and awareness as she tries to be what we want her to be. It puts children in their head and not their heart, their best source of wise inner guidance.

Sadly, this is one more example of adults misunderstanding how to bring out the best in children. It’s an approach we have known since we were raised as children, and we think, “How wonderful! Now children will know the ‘right’ way to behave!”

It never works the way we want. It is one more piece of information trying to make children be the way WE think they should be and that, in reality, takes them away from their natural inner knowing and desire to connect lovingly with others. It becomes one more ‘should’ for our children, and we all know how wonderful ‘should’s’ are.

If we want children to be kind and gracious toward others in their interactions, then we must closely examine our actions toward them and treat them with kindness and graciousness. It’s an every day moment-to-moment way of being, not a moment of teaching.

When we relate with them with a desire to control and to get them to be who WE want them to be, we are not being kind, gracious and considerate of them.

Then children lose their natural kindness and graciousness toward others. They begin to listen to us, to model us, and to act based on their thoughts and not their heart. They lose their spontaneity, their authenticity, their joy.

Children are not cute little playthings we can mold into our desires. Each young person is an amazing being with his / her own talents, desires, and dreams. If we want young people to be their best, we must create an emotionally healthy environment that empowers them from the inside out and not continue trying to get them to conform to our standards and ideals.

Here’s to freedom, joy, love and full self-expression for us all! When we give this to our children, we give it to ourselves!

Be Authentically Yourself with your Child

We just returned late yesterday afternoon from 3 glorious days of wilderness camping in the Sierra Mountains with our family – son Orion, daughter-in-law Nichola, wonderful grandchildren Sebastian and Madison.

I loved our time together exploring, hiking, laughing, sharing, cooking, sitting around the campfire and viewing the luminous stars overhead. Clever Orion quote: “The campfire is the TV of camping.” True! So many cherished memories from our annual adventure!

Copies of my book Joyous Child Joyous Family are flying out my door during my free book giveaway! I love that so many people are getting several to give to their family and friends.

One simple idea in this book can change your relationship with your child forever and support your child in being more fully herself for the rest of her life! Wouldn’t this be a magnificent gift to give yourself, your child, and those you love?

Reminder: My F.REE book giveaway with F.REE webinar ends this Friday so you still have time to get your copy and some for those you love. All I ask is you cover the small cost of shipping.

Go here to get your F.REE book(s).

Plus everyone who has a book, whether as a purchase or as a gift, is invited to participate in my F.REE Q & A webinar in September.

If you already have a copy of Joyous Child Joyous Parent and have not already registered for the webinar, go here to sign-up.

Today’s video Tip # 6: Be More Authentically Yourself with your Child

Wow! This is such an important component of parenting that it takes my breath away. Your child emotionally needs for you to be yourself, not the perfect parent. Too often, we act like the parents we think we should be, and not the people we honestly are in our hearts.

What do you do when you are being authentic with your child? I’d love to know. Please share in Comments below.

Happy trails!

To your Joyous Family!


Tip #5 ~ The Importance of Being Adventurous with Your Child

Today is the first day of my book giveaway and I have a new video for you. You can read about both below.

“Joyous Child Joyous Parent” Book Giveaway

From now until midnight, Friday, August 24, I am giving all of my printed books away for F.REE. And you are welcome to get additional copies for your family and friends! All I ask is that you cover the low investment of handling and shipping.

My book will still be available in the future in a printed version with a quality cover I love, and I am in the process of creating e-versions for all formats.

Plus, as my gift for everyone who takes action to raise a more Joyous Child and to be a more Joyous Parent by investing in my book during the give-away. I will host a free Q & A webinar during which I will answer as many of your parenting questions as I can for a full 60 minutes! This is win-win-win!

Quantities are limited so don’t wait until the last day to get yours! When they are gone, they are gone, even if it is before the end of the give-away.

Go here to get your free book/s and webinar now.

I am thrilled to be sharing this transformational, results-driven information with you!

New Video: The Importance of Being Adventurous with Your Child

Most of us don’t immediately think of being adventurous with our child as a good idea. It seems our child can be adventurous enough on his own.

In my new video Tip #5 I explain the importance of being more adventurous together and give you some tips on how to do it easily.

And, yes, being adventurous is an important part of parenting! Who knew?

What adventures have you taken with your child – whether a toddler or a teen? I’d love to hear about them in the Comments section.

Happy trails!

To your Joyous Family!


Your Child Needs Structure!

Do you have repetitive struggles with your child, in which one or both of you get upset?

This frequently happens when parents are unclear how to set limits in a way that empowers their child and brings out his best.

Last week I shared a powerful question with you that will assist you in reducing the number of conflicts you have with your child. If you haven’t already watched this short video (3.5 minutes), I urge you to do so and be sure to read the comments below as they provide valuable insights from parents just like you.

Click here to watch “The Most Important Parenting Question”

My new video below “Your Child Needs Structure!
” builds on the information from the week before, helping you understand why your child needs limits and what limits are worth setting.

I cannot emphasize too strongly how essential and empowering this information is. By taking just a few minutes now, you can get a timely reminder or even a brand new idea to explore and implement. Take time now to watch them both!

Hope you’re making precious time to enjoy nature with your child this summer. Doug and I are heading out early today with 5-year-old grandson Sebastian for a 6-day camping adventure in the Sierras. So looking forward to sharing some cool stuff with him!

Happy trails!

The Most Important Parenting Question

I have a new video for you today that has the power to “rock your world” as my friend Isabel likes to say and in a profoundly positive way.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the things you need to pay attention to as a parent?

Do you ever wonder if you are on the right track as a parent or if there is something more your child needs and wants to develop fully, to be happy, self-confident and self-reliant?

Today’s video will help you cut through all the chatter and conflicting parenting ideas out there. This is the parenting question that is intrinsic to all other parenting questions. It underlies all parenting decisions you make.


Let me know what you think, and if you like this video, please tell others!